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2015-09-01 21:18:33
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Ask Aspen!

Helpful advice on Love, Life, and the Afterlife from our favorite grumpy ghost~

The Rules:
Just insert a question/situation in Dear Abby letter format, complete with (somewhat) anonymous descriptive pen name and insert a break line between questions.


Aspen is and always will be a b*tch. If you don't like her advice, how she phrases it or just her general attitude, it's your own d*mn fault for asking her to begin with.

Dear Aspen

Where there any other ghost that you meet and got along with?
                              -ice cream puppy

Dear Puppy-

"Got along with"? Well, it would be pretty stupid of me to go around p*ssing off every spirit I saw since we're all sort of stuck with each other for eternity. However, we don't exactly have a club in which we all just sit around the graveyard, swap lifestories and scare tourists. I mean, after a few centuries, even the most agreeable people would get on your nerves. Luckily~ there's a big world out there to put a lot of space between myself and the more irritating spirits out there.


Dear Aspen

what is the greatest thing about being a ghost?



I'm already dead, so I can p*ss off as many non-soul-suckers as I want~


Dear Aspen

Do you have any dating advice for a timid girl?


Dear Brownie-



P.S. Despite what my editor says, I did answer your question. Whether or not you have a follow-up is not my problem unless you send it to me.

Dear Aspen-

Please tell me!!

Dear Brownie-

Make sure your guy, girl, dead person, interdimensional warlock--really whatever you're interested in--know when you are feeling uncomfortable. Have the relationship progress at the pace you want and only push yourself if you desire it, not because your whatever does. If the whatever can't respect your wishes, then he/she/it isn't worth the trouble.


Username (or number or email):


2014-02-07 [Kbird]: XD I love the description

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: Thank you~ Want to have one of your characters give the first question? :P

2014-02-07 [Kbird]: I'm thinking of a good question....

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: XP Really, anything will do.

2014-02-07 [Kbird]: XP the only pen name I could think of?

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: XD

2014-02-07 [Kbird]: Can you geuss who it was?

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: Martha?

2014-02-07 [Kbird]: Nope, she can hardly speak let alone write XD

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: Huh... *trying to think of who loves ice cream*

2014-02-07 [Kbird]: XD

2014-02-07 [ancienteye]: It is any of the Thorns?

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: He wishes

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: It's David.

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: Yes!

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

To be honest, the ice cream gave it away. If it wasn't for the mention of sweets, it would've been a toss-up between him and Yuki. :P

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: XP I figure the sweets would give it away sooner

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: Well, I've seen him obsess over chocolate, but not ice cream...

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: chocolate is his favorite and makes him more hyper then ice cream.

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: XD He should've been Chocolate Puppy.

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: XD probably!

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

Aspen: "Why does he care who I talk to, anyways?" e__e

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: because hes a sweet heart....and hes worried about when he dies, if he becomes a ghost, what type of people became ghosts.

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *shrugs* "Lots. Some don't want to go anywhere, some are forced to stay. I've heard of one or two that aren't accepted by heaven or hell, but that's really rare..."

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: David: <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif> thats really depressing!

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Which part?"

2014-02-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: ?

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: Hi Crimson! this is just goofiness with a person thats been alive for hundreds of years!

2014-02-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok then. lol

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: wantta leave a question for her?

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "I've been /around/ for hundreds of years. Not /alive/." e__e

2014-02-08 [Kbird]: Ooops bad wording

2014-02-08 [ancienteye]: XD

2014-02-10 [ancienteye]: I love art nouveau~

2014-02-10 [Kbird]: which style of art is that?

2014-02-10 [Kbird]: o.o I see why you love it

2014-02-10 [ancienteye]: It's like the world of high fantasy is growing on top of the human world. :o

2014-02-10 [Kbird]: And we love it~

2014-02-10 [ancienteye]: I love it so much~ But some of the art/mirrors/stained glass/statues/lamps have naked ladies on them. :o

2014-02-10 [Kbird]: hey, naked ladies are comman in art. I have a book filled with artist works, plenty of women are fictured in it.. :P

2014-02-10 [ancienteye]: XD That's true.

2014-02-10 [Kbird]: Pretty~

2014-02-10 [ancienteye]: They are~

2014-03-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Beautiful!

2014-03-09 [ancienteye]: It is~

2014-03-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'd love to go there.

2014-03-11 [Kbird]: I see images for me to steal and use on Soa

2014-03-11 [ancienteye]: X3

2014-03-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool

2014-03-17 [Kbird]: ooow i likie

2014-03-17 [ancienteye]: Me too~

2014-03-19 [Kbird]: 0.0 I want!!

2014-03-19 [ancienteye]: I do, too~

2014-03-19 [Kbird]: I'd put it next to my piano to confuse people

2014-03-19 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2014-03-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: I want to hurry and finish the undead zoo so we can do the next generation one.

2014-03-19 [Kbird]: <img:44166_1164144921.gif> I know what you mind is riling with ideas....but as they say~
you cant rush- oh screw it I'm totally calling my sister tomrrow and having her edit.,

2014-03-19 [ancienteye]: XD

2014-03-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2014-03-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yummy!

2014-03-21 [Kbird]: nummy, nummy~

2014-03-21 [ancienteye]: ^-^

2014-03-27 [Kbird]: XD thats great~

2014-03-27 [ancienteye]: :P

2014-03-30 [Kbird]: Graham: *quickly ordering it* =^v^=

2014-03-31 [ancienteye]: Fern: *raises eyebrow*

2014-03-31 [Kbird]: Graham: wint these be great for alcohol~?!

2014-04-01 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Can we afford it?"

2014-04-01 [Kbird]: Graham: yes~!

2014-04-03 [ancienteye]: Fern: *looks suspicious*

2014-04-04 [Kbird]: Graham: I can always steal somehing /realllly/ expensive if I come up short.

2014-04-04 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Bad kitty."

2014-04-04 [Kbird]: Graham: I'm being good.

2014-04-05 [ancienteye]: Fern: "You shouldn't steal to pay for things that /aren't/ essential. It draws too much attention."

2014-04-05 [Kbird]: Graham: I generally don't.

2014-04-05 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Let me rephrase that: That set is /not/ essential. If you can't afford it, don't get it."

2014-04-05 [Kbird]: Graham: >.< I can afford it!

2014-04-05 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Then go ahead and get it. But no stealing."

2014-04-05 [Kbird]: Graham: =D okay!

2014-04-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: *slight smile*

2014-04-13 [Kbird]: <__< reminds me of someone i know..

2014-04-13 [ancienteye]: Who?

2014-04-13 [Kbird]: One of my siblings...

2014-04-13 [ancienteye]: XD

2014-04-13 [Kbird]: XP

2014-04-15 [Kbird]: soooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuttteee~!!

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: Who in SOA doesn't have a house?

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: everyone but Hatters group & Castle people.

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: I know that White Rabbit is known to live in a house with a small garden...

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: Yeah... usually a two story white house.

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: Should I look for one?

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: yes please.

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: the second didnt load but I really like the first one.

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: o.o I think the second one.

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: It's nice~ :P

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: Just remember his house number is 5826. XD

2014-04-16 [Kbird]: XP haha yeah.

2014-04-16 [ancienteye]: XD

2014-04-24 [ancienteye]: About to take a test.

2014-04-24 [Kbird]: kay

2014-04-24 [ancienteye]: Back. :P

2014-04-24 [Kbird]: yay!

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: I wish I had that looks comfy

David: It does!

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "So very comfy~"

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: I wish I had that looks comfy

David: It does!

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "So very comfy~"

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: Mark: a literal love nest.

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Getting in and out would be difficult..."

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: David: could jump in..

Mark: Or make a diving board! :D

David: yeah! *high five each other then look confused because they remember what side the others on*

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "That sounds like fun~" ^-^

Aspen: "You do realize this bed is easy enough to make? It's a padded bowl full of giant pillows and decorated with strips of cardboard."

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: Mark: >__> ......=D lets make one!

David: it will be hardest to find the giant pillows..

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Ooh, ooh! I know where to find some of those!" :D

2014-04-26 [Kbird]: David & Mark: Where?! =D

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "There's an old storage room of toys for the daycare. A lot of it hasn't been used for a while and the rest are seasonal. But the Pillow-Fort Pillows should be up for grabs~"

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: ???

2014-04-26 [ancienteye]: That was totally gorgeous! XD

2014-04-27 [Kbird]: it is~ my mom actually found it and had me listen to it.


2014-04-27 [ancienteye]: You mom has great taste. :P

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